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Excuses For Not Going To The Club
I’m not a huge fan of going to the club. It’s not that I don’t enjoy a good night out, but I just don’t feel comfortable in that kind of atmosphere. I’m sure there are plenty of people who love it, but it’s just not for me. That being said, I know that sometimes it’s unavoidable and I have to go. But when I’m trying to get out of going, I have a few excuses that I use.
One of the excuses I use is that I’m too tired. It’s a classic excuse, but it’s one that works for me. I’m usually pretty honest about it, too. I’ll tell my friends that I’m exhausted from a long day at work or school and that I just need to take it easy for the night.
Another excuse I use is that I’m not feeling well. Again, this is usually pretty honest. I’ll tell my friends that I’m not feeling well and that I don’t want to spread my germs to everyone at the club. They usually understand and let me off the hook.
I also use the excuse that I have too much work to do. This one works especially well if I’m in school or if I have a big project due at work. I’ll tell my friends that I need to stay home and focus on getting my work done.
Finally, I use the excuse that I just don’t have the money to go out. This is a tough one, because I don’t want to make my friends feel bad about wanting to go out. But if I’m really strapped for cash, I’ll tell them that I just can’t afford it.
These are some of the excuses I use when I’m trying to get out of going to the club. I’m sure there are plenty of other excuses out there, but these are the ones that work for me.